How to use the premium version of our Training APP – SIMPLIFIED
This is the place to learn everything about TrainerDay and some overview of training and indoor trainers. Our Youtube Channel and our Forum are both good sources of info but there are also links to some videos and forum posts below. A few good book ideas below 🙂

Indoor Training and TrainerDay Basics
- Beginners Part 1, Part 2 (Setup), Different Types of Indoor Training
- Different kinds of Indoor Trainers (Smart, SmartBike, Dumb, Spin Bike…) Smart vs not so smart
- Workout Basics Different Modes — ERG, Slope, Resistance and HR
- Coach Jack Overview
- Adding Workouts to our Mobile App
- Using TrainerDay Workouts in Other Platforms
- Speed and Distance Indoors
TrainerDay Features
- Calendar vs My Plans
- Creating Workouts — The basics. Sets and Reps, Interval Comments, Target Modes, Importing Routes
- Seeing TrainerDay app on the big screen (Broadcast Feature)
- FAQ: Why don’t the workouts on my TrainingPeaks calendar show in the TD calendar? This is not how it works. Calendar sync sends TD workouts to TP and the WOD feature shows workouts in our training app.
FAQ: Why don’t the workouts on my Intervals Calendar show in the TD calendar? This is not how it works. Calendar sync sends TD workouts to Intervals and the WOD feature shows workouts in our training app. - Using IntervalsICU or TrainingPeaks for your calendar
- Using TrainerDay plans on Zwift, Rouvy, MyWhoosh and More
- An Honest Opinion on TrainerRoad vs TrainerDay
- Organizing and keeping a workout library
Deeper Dive into Training Concepts
- Training Plan Blocks (Base, Build, Peak and Event), and deeper discussion
- Start with the basics Consistency and Volume
- Recovery 101, Increasing Work Capacity
- Do I need a training plan?
- Improving Your FTP (or not)
- Consistency and Strength Training (from our forum)
- What is an SFR (Low Cadence) Workout?
- Why FTP based training is 1/2 wrong, W’Bal for Anaerobic Workouts
- Zone 2 Training FAQ (from our forum)
- Testing — What kind and how often should I test my FTP?
- Polarized Training including Sweet Spot and TSS Misconceptions
- A Rider Success Story